The ACT project aims to develop quality materials for young people, teachers and youth workers that respond to the need to incorporate innovative methods in teaching about sustainability, circular economy and climate justice. The project aims to raise awareness among young people and encourage them to take steps towards active citizenship. In addition, it aims to provide youth workers and teachers with tools for engaging activities that help young people to create their own sustainability events.
The project partners will collect best practices by organising focus groups and conducting desk research. The best practices
will be used in further activities. The partners will create a handbook of sustainability events for young people as well as for teachers and youth workers. In addition, partners will create with the target groups a workshop model using gamification and organise workshops in their countries.
By the end of the project, an initial good practice report and two manuals will have been produced: one for young people and one for teachers and youth educators. Workshop models will also be created and implemented during the year 2024.
All materials and results of the project will be free for free use by youth workers, volunteers and educators, offering long-term benefits for the communities in which the project partners work, as well as spreading the results through their international networks. Follow us on our networks and visit our website to find out more about this project and its future activities.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Raise awareness among young people and encourage them to take the first steps towards active citizenship.
- Provide youth leaders and teachers with tools for engaging activities that help young people to create their own sustainability events.
- Raise awareness on climate change, sustainable consumption, circular economy and climate justice.
- Meeting of partners and entities in Finland (March 2023)
- Creation of good practice guide (July 2023)
- Development of manuals for teachers and young people (October 2023)
- Meeting of partners and entities in Spain (February 2024)
- Finalisation and testing of project materials (March to October 2024)
- Meeting of partners in Ireland (November 2024)
- Project dissemination events (December 2024)
- An initial report of best practices for discussing the issues of sustainability, circular economy and climate justice.
- A handbook for teachers and youth workers.
- A handbook for young activists for the realisation of sustainable initiatives.