“DEPAL” is a project led in Spain by Neo Sapiens that aims to support educators working with adults in motivating and improving the acquisition of competences in digital technologies. It aims to involve 400 educators in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain through the development of a training platform that will facilitate the creation and dissemination of “Digital Photo-Stories” of more than 2000 adult learners. To achieve this objective, the project will be implemented in four distinct phases.
The first two phases of the project will focus on identifying the knowledge and skills that may be required by those seeking to promote the participation of their learners through digital tools. On the basis of this study, theoretical and practical material will be created jointly by all project partners which, in addition to different learning contents, will include an international training course on digital photo-histories. The aim of these processes will be to develop the competences of professionals working with adults and to provide them with new tools to enable active learning of their beneficiaries (especially those with learning and communication difficulties or belonging to groups at risk of exclusion). The contents will include motivational techniques, digital storytelling, personal entrepreneurship, active participation, etc. Phase two will culminate with the production of 40 digital photo-stories, which will be available on the online platform created for the project during these first phases.
The third phase of the project will enable the development and refinement of a toolkit for adult educators in digital literacy, participation and expression. It will be a practical support material for practitioners who really want to offer digital learning to the groups they work with and will include key guidelines and guidelines for competent teaching of digital literacy skills. The fourth and final phase of the project will serve to disseminate all the results and share the products obtained during the project. It will be crucial to put into practice what has been learned during the project with target groups in the different countries involved in DEPAL. Likewise, each partner entity will work in close collaboration in their regions with social agents, administrations and educational bodies with the aim of establishing joint spaces for adult education that will allow a combined learning of adults and the use of the products created by the DEPAL consortium (both in formal and non-formal settings).
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Dates: 01/09/2019 to 28/02/2022
Partner entities:
- To create a bridge between participatory education and digital learning leading to meaningful, interactive and engaging learning processes.
- To explore and identify the development of transversal competences that those involved in adult education should have and contribute to promote them.
- To improve the knowledge and skills of adults who need to strengthen their digital competences while contributing to their social inclusion and recognition as active citizens.
- Generate and encourage the use of new technologies as channels of expression that allow to reflect currents of thought, share life stories or show opinions in a visual, close and attractive way.
- Encourage the creation of safe and close pedagogical spaces that allow adult learners to interact actively with digital media.
- Promote training materials for trainers that allow both their training and the creation of spaces for peer-to-peer interaction that give rise to an exchange of good practices in terms of digital adult education.
- Preparation of the project (September 2019).
- First transnational coordination meeting in the UK (November 2019).
- Study of indicators and contexts for the development of project materials (December 2019 to March 2020).
- Design and creation of the project’s intellectual material and handbook on participation and digital learning (December 2019 to May 2020).
- Transnational training course for adult educators in Ireland (May 2020).
- Local workshops in the project countries to showcase the materials created (May to November 2020).
- Second transnational coordination meeting in Greece (November 2020).
- Creation of a toolkit for adult educators (November 2020 to October 2021).
- Third transnational coordination meeting in Spain (May 2021).
- Publishing and launching of the DEPAL educational platform (May 2021 to February 2022).
- Multiplier events in each of the partner countries to disseminate the results of the project (November 2021 to January 2022).
- Fourth transnational coordination meeting in Italy and project closure (February 2022).
- Guide “Participatory and digital learning: a guide for educators”: Click here (available in English, Spanish, Italian and Greek).
Online platform for sharing digital stories from the project’s participatory learning and storytelling workshops: Click here.