“TRAINEE: Training and Raising Awareness through In-service Networks for Employment and Entrepreneurship” is a 24-month collaboration funded by Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme for youth initiatives, coordinated by Neo Sapiens with the support of the Coordinadora de ONG de Desarrollo de La Rioja (Spain), Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus), LVIA (Italy), Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas (Lithuania), Pista Mágica (Portugal) and Youth Network MaMa (Slovenia).
The main objective of this initiative is to work and exchange good practices related to the training of those professionals who work providing support or advice to young people on employment issues or who promote their training (youth workers, VET teachers, school guidance services for students, public administration employment advisors, NGO technicians related to youth employment programmes, etc.). Through the use of new technologies and non-formal techniques, the project will train these professionals in the use and application of the Service-Learning methodology (SLM) while raising awareness on global issues, the SDGs, Global Citizenship Education, the 2030 Agenda and community development approaches. It will also enable youth to develop skills for personal growth and employability through on-the-ground training.
To make this possible, the project will develop, in each of its countries, local networks in which young people will be able to provide services to their communities while acquiring competences that could contribute to their personal growth and professionalisation of the third sector (thus being able to apply their academic knowledge, improve their CV and enhance their future entry into the labour market). These networks will also be adapted when necessary to existing internship or volunteering programmes in the vocational training centres or schools involved in the project (both at local and transnational level). This will be made possible through an online learning platform for educational professionals and NGO staff, as well as through a database that will enable young people to find Service Learning opportunities related to their training and to make a positive impact on their communities. The project will also design different strategies of promotion, dissemination and events that will allow to disseminate its results among the different actors involved in youth employment and social development, including groups at risk of exclusion. All project material and results will be created combining non-formal education, theoretical contents and flexible techniques that will allow to adapt them to different contexts or areas outside those in which the project will be originally carried out.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
TRAINEE for NGOs and educators
TRAINEE for young people and students

Dates: 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021
Partner entities:

- Training platform for teachers, job developers and NGOs. You will learn everything there is to know about Service-Learning and its connection to the SDGs, community development and global challenges through simple thematic blocks, quizzes, practical modules, templates and real case studies.
- A tool for students and teachers to find Service-Learning positions in NGOs and enable them to put their professional knowledge and/or skills into practice while developing their personal competences for the benefit of their communities.
- Promote the professionalisation of the third sector (new skills for new workers) and recognise this sector as a potential labour market.
- Contribute to the training of staff of training and employability entities in innovative learning methodologies with a social approach.
- To adapt the Service-Learning methodology to any context by promoting interaction between those supporting youth employment and the third sector.
- To create a bridge between the academic training of young people and today’s increasingly globalised labour market (formal and non-formal education).
Raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals, the importance of Global Citizenship Education and the need for greater community development. - To have a positive impact on the communities in the countries involved in the project while offering new learning alternatives for young people.
- Project preparation, tasks and impact strategy (December 2019 to February 2020).
- First transnational coordination meeting in Spain (February 2020).
- Creation and design of the theoretical content of the e-learning platform (March to June 2020).
- Creation and structure of the database and Service-Learning opportunities for young people (May and June 2020).
- Second transnational coordination meeting in Italy (July 2020).
- Adaptations of the products and materials created to the countries involved in the project and their local contexts (July to October 2020).
- Transnational training course for Service-Learning and mentoring for youth employability promoters and NGO staff (November 2020).
- Testing of the online platform (recruitment phase) (November 2020 to January 2021).
- Presentation and registration of offers and vacancies in the database (December 2020 and January 2021).
- Testing of the platform and database with the project target groups (January to June 2021).
- Third transnational coordination meeting in Lithuania (March 2021).
- Study and evaluation of the impact of the project materials and incorporation of improvements (April to June 2021).
- Fourth transnational coordination meeting in Portugal (July 2021).
- Publication of the final versions of the project products (July to September 2021).
- Multiplier events in the project partner countries to disseminate TRAINEE results (September and October 2021).