The project “GeT: – Gamification, Education and Training to activate youth for sustainable choices” responds to the need for innovative methods to explore sustainable consumption and the links between local actions and global impacts that can be produced on this topic within youth work and Global Citizenship Education. This initiative aims to increase youth awareness and action on sustainable consumption alternatives in an innovative, fun and engaging way. In addition, it will provide youth workers and educators with tools and materials to foster active citizenship among youth while raising awareness on the issues the project aims to promote.
During its implementation, the four GeT partner organisations will work with young people and staff from NGOs and educational institutions in Finland, Austria, Spain and Italy to collect, analyse and disseminate good practices in the use of games and gamification to address complex issues related to sustainability and consumption. The results of this work will be published in a toolkit that will include these practices as well as guidelines for staff and professionals to develop their own gamification-based educational activities. In addition to this, the project partners will use their expertise to develop a board game that will allow young people to learn about sustainable consumption in a fun and engaging way. The game will be a simple and pedagogical tool that can be used by educators and teachers to address complex problems within their youth programmes related to the topics of this project.
All materials and results of the project will be free for free use by youth workers, volunteers and educators, offering long-term benefits for the communities in which the project partners work, as well as spreading the results through their international networks. Follow us on our networks and visit our website to find out more about this project and its future activities.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Gamification manual for sustainable consumption and board game creation: This guide aims to serve as a support and reference for educators, teachers and youth workers in creating their own learning materials using gamification techniques. It aims to promote the creation of new channels of discussion for young people to address issues such as sustainability, individual and collective consumption practices, and above all to raise awareness of the direct relationship between their habits and numerous global issues: Think globally, act locally.
- GETLAND, a board game about circular economy and sustainable consumption: Will you manage to save GETLAND and complete the missions we propose? An educational board game about circular economy and sustainable consumption for all types of players (especially young people) who want to learn in a fun and interactive way about these issues while having fun, competing and cooperating.
- To train organisations working with young people in the field of global fair trade, sustainable trade and ethical consumption through different educational materials and resources.
- Strengthen the capacity of educators and youth workers in engaging youth in issues related to sustainable development, using innovative methods in their activities.
- Increase the use of gamification in youth work and Global Citizenship Education to make it more incisive.
- Raise awareness among youth about sustainability and the impact of local actions at global level.
- Build pan-European networks between NGOs, youth workers, youth organisations and volunteer organisations linked to the achievement of SDG 12 (Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns), as well as ensure that youth or school students acquire the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development through sustainable lifestyles that respect the planet and human rights.
- Initial research for the detection of good practices in gamification at European level (March to April 2021).
- First transnational online coordination meeting (May 2021).
- Interviews and research with gamification and sustainability experts (May to June 2021).
- Conceptualisation and development of the manual for trainers and educators (July to October 2021).
- Development of the board game for young people on sustainable consumption (October 2021 to January 2022).
- Second transnational coordination meeting in Austria (February 2022).
- Testing of the project materials and board game in the project countries (March to June 2022).
- Compilation phase of test results and improvements of the created materials (June to July 2022).
- Third transnational coordination meeting in Italy (August 2022).
- Dissemination events of the project in its partner countries (September to October 2022).
- Project review and finalisation (November 2022).